Different permanent penis enlargement methods

Even though penis extenders have existed for a long time, it is only recently that they have gained mainstream exposure. Since the time it came into the market, this device has evolved in a lot of ways and has now become one of the most sold permanent enlargement products. Even though there is a slight degree of inconvenience, this tool has been proven to work.

How does extenders work?

This is essentially a traction device that you attach to your penis, adjust the sidebars, and leave it to work its charm. You usually have to wear this tool at least six hours a day. The good thing is that you can wear it anytime you want without the risk of making it obvious.

This device puts a consistent pressure on your member, which causes the penis to enlarge in the process of countering the force. The results of this traction device may vary from person to person; however, most people report an increase of 7 cm permanently.

If you are looking for a miracle cure, then know there is none! You have to wear this device for at least six months before any visible results show up. The penis extender’s function is based on physical enlargement techniques that are safe and far superior to other procedures. This device is best used in tandem with another supplement, coming in the form of enlargement pills.

Permanent penis enlargement pills

When it comes to penis enlargement, there is perhaps no product that comes to the popularity of enlargement pills. Over the last few decades, thousands of brands have probably popped up in this industry, all promising miraculous increase of your size.

While some of the claims these brands make are completely outrageous, finding a reliable manufacturer doesn’t have to be tough if you know where to look. Yes, it’s true that you have to scour through a lot of fake sites to get to the real one if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Luckily, good products do exist and they are quite popular among users.

Most of the penis enlargement pills you’ll find today are herbal supplements that have no side-effects. Sure, this industry has its share of placebo and sugar pills, but the herbal supplements are usually the ones you should trust. How do these products work? Well, it’s pure biology working at its finest.

Permanent results with penis exercises?

If you’re looking for safe, cost-effective, and reliable methods for penis enlargement, then exercises are a way to go. These methods are hugely popular among those who do not want to use extenders or penis supplements and would much rather rely on natural methods to boost to their size.

These exercises are safe and have been reported to show an increase up to 5 cm in size. Since the size of an average penis is around 13 cm, adding 5 cm more will take you well above average. This will give you the self-confidence needed to give your woman the pleasure she has always been craving for.

For best results, consider joining a penis enlargement exercise program because doing these exercises the wrong way can make matters worse. There is no point in wasting time trying to find the right combination of exercises when all the effective methods and strategies are laid out right in front of you in an enlargement program.

Penis enlargement creams and gels

Even though gels and creams are hugely popular in the market, we do not stand behind their efficiency. As it happens, most of the brands make huge claims about their products being the best in the market. But in reality, the ones that do live up to the claims are such small in numbers that they can be considered to be the exceptions.

Now, would you like to spend your time and money looking for a needle in a haystack? Probably not! Besides, even if you use a brand of gels and creams that does work, you’ll have to keep on using it for a long time before any visible results can be seen. These products are definitely not for those who have the option to go for penis enlargement pills.

Which permanent enlargement method should I choose?

Safety should always be your priority when choosing a penis enlargement method because this is a highly sensitive part of the human body. While we feel that some methods like hypnosis and surgery should clearly be avoided, some people would claim that they have benefited from this type of treatment.

At the end of the day, which penis enlargement method you decide to go for is your choice alone. All the nine methods mentioned in this guide have their own pros and cons, but some are clearly far superior to others. We suggest that you stick to natural enlargement options that pose no risk to your health and do not cause any side effects.

So go out there and explore your options carefully; it won’t be long till you gain a massive boost your confidence if you’ve done everything right.
